Here we can get all the information about local system and remote system through the module. From this module you can connect by remote computer and by below code you can get all information about it.
you have heard about this module in previous post. this module is nothing but WMI module.
you can download from here
Windows installer and zip:
Older Versions:
List all running processes in the current system.
you can see all running process in remote system also like as below,
List all running processes in the Remote system.
Show the percentage free space for each fixed disk in your system,
Reboot a remote machine,
Shutdown a remote machine,
Show the IP and MAC addresses for IP-enabled network interfaces
What’s running on startup and from where in your system,?
List registry keys in your system,
Add a new registry key in system,
Add a new registry value in system,
Show shared drives in system,
Install a product in local system,
Thanks Guys
you have heard about this module in previous post. this module is nothing but WMI module.
you can download from here
Windows installer and zip:
Older Versions:
List all running processes in the current system.
import wmi c = wmi.WMI () for process in c.Win32_Process (): print process.ProcessId, process.Name
you can see all running process in remote system also like as below,
List all running processes in the Remote system.
import wmi c= wmi.WMI(ip, user=username, password=password) for process in c.Win32_Process (): print process.ProcessId, process.Name
Show the percentage free space for each fixed disk in your system,
import wmi c = wmi.WMI () for disk in c.Win32_LogicalDisk (DriveType=3): print disk.Caption, "%0.2f%% free" % (100.0 * long (disk.FreeSpace) / long (disk.Size))
Reboot a remote machine,
import wmi # other_machine = "machine name of your choice" c = wmi.WMI (computer=other_machine, privileges=["RemoteShutdown"]) os = c.Win32_OperatingSystem (Primary=1)[0] os.Reboot ()
Shutdown a remote machine,
import wmi # other_machine = "machine name of your choice" c = wmi.WMI (computer=other_machine, privileges=["RemoteShutdown"]) os = c.Win32_OperatingSystem (Primary=1)[0] os.shutdown ()
Show the IP and MAC addresses for IP-enabled network interfaces
import wmi c = wmi.WMI () for interface in c.Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration (IPEnabled=1): print interface.Description, interface.MACAddress for ip_address in interface.IPAddress: print ip_address
What’s running on startup and from where in your system,?
import wmi c = wmi.WMI () for s in c.Win32_StartupCommand (): print "[%s] %s <%s>" % (s.Location, s.Caption, s.Command)Watch for errors in the event log in your system,
import wmi c = wmi.WMI (privileges=["Security"]) watcher = c.watch_for ( notification_type="Creation", wmi_class="Win32_NTLogEvent", Type="error" ) while 1: error = watcher () print "Error in %s log: %s" % (error.Logfile, error.Message) # send mail to sysadmin etc.
List registry keys in your system,
import _winreg import wmi r = wmi.Registry () result, names = r.EnumKey ( hDefKey=_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sSubKeyName="Software" ) for key in names: print key
Add a new registry key in system,
import _winreg import wmi r = wmi.Registry () result, = r.CreateKey ( hDefKey=_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sSubKeyName=r"Software\TJG" )
Add a new registry value in system,
import _winreg import wmi r = wmi.Registry () result, = r.SetStringValue ( hDefKey=_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sSubKeyName=r"Software\TJG", sValueName="ApplicationName", sValue="TJG App" )
Show shared drives in system,
import wmi c = wmi.WMI () for share in c.Win32_Share (): print share.Name, share.PathShow disk partitions in local system,
import wmi c = wmi.WMI () for physical_disk in c.Win32_DiskDrive (): for partition in physical_disk.associators ("Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition"): for logical_disk in partition.associators ("Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition"): print physical_disk.Caption, partition.Caption, logical_disk.Caption
Install a product in local system,
import wmi c = wmi.WMI () c.Win32_Product.Install ( PackageLocation="c:/temp/python-2.4.2.msi", AllUsers=False )Find Drive Types in your system,
import wmi DRIVE_TYPES = { 0 : "Unknown", 1 : "No Root Directory", 2 : "Removable Disk", 3 : "Local Disk", 4 : "Network Drive", 5 : "Compact Disc", 6 : "RAM Disk" } c = wmi.WMI () for drive in c.Win32_LogicalDisk (): print drive.Caption, DRIVE_TYPES[drive.DriveType]
Thanks Guys