We can create exe file of any python script by number of
ways. But I will prefer only py2exe for it.
Here are some common ones:- Pyinstaller (linux,window)
- cx_Freeze
- pyapp (Mac only)
- py2exe (window)
- bbfreeze
DOWNLOAD py2exe -----Python2.7
for window 32 bit
DOWNLOAD py2exe------Python 2.7 for window 64 bit
install py2exe in your system and create setup.py for creating exe file.Sample.py
#!/usr/bin/env python # base.py import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk class Base: def __init__(self): self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) self.window.set_icon_from_file('images/logo.png') self.window.set_title("Sample window") self.window.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) self.window.set_size_request(500, 275) self.window.set_resizable(False) frame=gtk.Frame("Hi guys how are you?") self.window.add(frame) frame.set_uposition(2,40) frame.show() self.window.show() def main(self): gtk.main() if __name__ == "__main__": base = Base() base.main()Setup.py
from distutils.core import setup import py2exe dfiles = [('images', ["images/cream_dust.png "])] excludes = ["pywin", "pywin.debugger"] # there will be more in real life... option = dict(optimize=2, dist_dir="Demo Project", excludes=excludes, packages=["win32api"]) setup( windows=[{'script':'sample.py' }], console=[{'script':'sample.py' }], data_files=dfiles, zipfile=None, options={'py2exe':{'bundle_files':1,'compressed':1,"dll_excludes":[ "mswsock.dll", "powrprof.dll" ]}, 'py2exe':option}, )
After creating sample.py (for
this file we will create exe) and setup.py (this is for exe file creation with
distutils library).
dfiles—if any file you want to
use in project like as image then u have to mention in dfiles.
Now open command prompt and go
through your directory where you have kept files (sample.py , setup.py).
D:\project> Python setup.py install
D:\project> Python setup.py py2exe
It will create one folder name Demo project, this is exe folder where
all dependency library files stored. Click on sample.exe then you will see
window which you have made in sample.py
Thanks Guys
Thanks Guys
Using PyQt4 / Python 3.4, and wanting a single executable (not a folder of files), I think that limits me to using py2exe instead of some of the other newbie-friendly gui-based tools (cx_freeze , pyInstaller, etc).
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, while my .py file runs fine when I execute it in tge IDLE GUI, it doesn't run from the console due to 'no module named xxxx' errors.
I assume I have to get that to work first before running py2exe... but what makes it work from the IDLE gui and not via a command prompt?
Actually I have done it in python 2.7 without any problem for making exe file via py2exe.Can you tell me exact what error you are getting so i can figure out easily.